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2. Reassessment of your entitlement
What is a reassessment?
A reassessment is when we recalculate your student finance entitlement (how much you can get). A reassessment normally happens after we've been notified of:
- a change to your circumstances
- updated information in relation to you or your course
- new estimates or confirmation of estimated information
We'll consider how this new information affects your current student finance entitlement and let you know:
- what has changed
- how it affects your funding
- any actions you need to take as a result
How can a reassessment affect my student finance?
If your entitlement is reassessed this could mean either:
- you're due more funding, so future payments may be increased
- you're due less funding, so future payments may be reduced
- you're due less funding because you've been paid too much and now need to repay the amount you've been overpaid
- your entitlement is unchanged - we'll still write to you to confirm this
What will happen following a reassessment?
We'll always send you an updated Notification of Entitlement letter to confirm your new entitlement and tell you if you need to do anything.